Online Industrial Training – Garden City Ammonia Program

Certification Testing – CARO/CIRO Scores Plummet

by on May.11, 2021, under News

A recent post discussed a drop in RETA CIRO test scores since the test has been re-written.  This post shows the pass rate going from a 78% to a 68% for the qualified participants.  Today the pass rate for the CIRO is only 37% since the test has been re-written.  That is actually very frightening as a professional training organization.   Are the people whom are sitting for these exams not knowledgeable and experienced.  The CIRO requires two years of field experience to take the test.  Most agree that the experience alone wont get you to pass the test,  but something significantly is different.  In statistics we call this on outlier.  Not only has the pass rate for the CIRO significantly dropped, but the CARO is falling as well.

If this was the first time this type of testing was introduced we would have to look at many factors that might cause this.  From the teacher, to the student, to the material, to the testing environment, etc….  The only thing of these that have changed is the test, so to blame the tester is ludicrous.  As a professional organization that provides testing, certifications, and credentials we know probably more than anyone that not all will succeed, but heck a 37% pass rate is nothing to be bragging about.  All this being said, do your due diligence before you sit for any third party training and or testing certifications.

This data comes from the RETA Breeze published March/April 2021.  RETA welcomes questions about RETA’s credentialing exams and activities.  Send your questions by email to the certification department at

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