Online Training
GCAP’s Online Training Solutions and Resources
Enroll in GCAP’s Industrial On-Line Training
Solutions Today @ this Link
Online Courses Available are:
Enroll GCAP’s Online Training Program today @ this link
- Steam Boilers – Part 1 ($1,185.00 per person)
- Steam Boilers – Part 2 ($1,285.00 per person)
- 8 Hour Ammonia HazWoper Refresher ($185.00 per person)
- Intro to NH3 Refrigeration ($985.00 per person)
- Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Part 1 ($1,185.00 per person)
- Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Part 1 – Spanish ($1,185.00 per person)
- Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Part 2 ($1,285.00 per person)
- Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Part 3 (1,585.00 per person)
- Ammonia Refrigeration Best Practices ($1,585.00)
- IIAR 2 – Safe Design for Ammonia Refrigeration Systems ($1,185.00)
- Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Refresher ($1,185.00 per person)
- Ammonia Refrigeration Process Safety ($1,185.00 per person)
- Ammonia & PSM Awareness ($385.00 per person) NH3 and PSM competencies at the Link
- Live Virtual Training (specifically developed for your company needs)
- Ammonia 3 year refresher (specifically developed for your company needs)
These online courses are perfect for a new employee introduced into the industrial refrigeration world to start education on ammonia refrigeration, steam boilers, and process safety, their hazards, and the equipment he/she will be operating. This program is user friendly and easily navigated and provides automatic documentation and immediately generates feedback. Online, self-paced computer-based training can be a valuable part of an effective safety and health training program. The ammonia refrigeration study course was developed to be worked at your own pace and meets OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200 – Hazards of Ammonia and 29 CFR 1910.119(G) – Overview of Industrial Refrigeration.
Details for online courses:
- Once enrolled you will receive
- Copy of associated book/training material for applicable the training course (Excludes Industrial Ammonia Refrigeration Refresher)
- The book/material is yours to keep, take notes, and always use as a reference. The book/material can be up to a $350.00 value
- GCAP’s legal disclaimer must be signed and confirmed
- There are individual chapter quizzes (Ammonia & PSM/RMP Awareness – Final Exam Only) When your ready for your next quiz/exam to be sent request at this link!
- Quizzes must be taken in sequential order
- Participant is given one opportunity per quiz and final exam, so it is important that plenty of time is given to complete the quiz once began.
- All quizzes will be averaged for a final quiz score
- There is a final exam
- Both the quizzes average and the final exam must support a score of over 70% to receive a course certificate and must be completed within one calendar year of enrollment.
- You have the opportunity to schedule four, 1 hour video chat training sessions with a lead instructor. All video chat sessions must be scheduled. Training sessions are led by your topics and questions, so use your time wisely.
- As well any student can call in at anytime or email for a quick discussion/verification of the training topics presented.
- We encourage you to read the book and practice the end of chapter questions before attempting the quizzes/exam.
- Must have a unique email address
- Substituting participants can only happen before training material is to be mailed out
- Not finishing programs nor cancellations will not receive a refund.
- Quizzes must be taken in sequential order
Enroll GCAP’s Online Training Program today @ this link
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Industrial training is what we are all about. Ammonia Safety is number one priority. Having problems or questions about ammonia, refrigeration, job references, codes or standards, Process Safety Management, RMP, PSM, NEP please join.
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